
Low Tech Innovation

5 innovative ideas from developing countries: These are the ideas come up with from our team member for 5 equally innovative ideas. JOHN Innovative Product: LELO HEX LELO HEX is a much stronger condom equipped with high tear resistance, Thus, provides longer durability during sexual intercourse. The main purpose of such innovative product is to promote healthier sex life and allows better birth control. Decrease overpopulation issues which derived from the failure of fertility controls. Another main duty of such condom is to decrease exposure to sexual disease - AIDS. With the lower probability of tearing condom, AIDS will not be spreaded at a reasonable and controlled level. Calvin Innovative Product: Envigreen Edible Bags Made of natural starch and vegetable oils, Envigreen bags look and feel the same as normal plastic bags. They naturally degrade in 180 days and will disintegrate if left in water for a day. It also helps the fauna species since they are edible and have

Customer does not want to work with inexperienced graduate

When I hear this News, I may feel frustrated and down at the beginning. And I wouldn ’t say anything to the manager. Normally it’s no use complaining such thing to the customer.   It only shows you feel uncomfortable about the negative feedback from the customer. I won ’t think about too much of being looked down on the inexperience, because the customer’s thoughts are pretty true and the fact. And in another thought, maybe I can have a day-off without being allocated into the introduction work. And if I still need to be allocated to the work for the customer, I will do such things to change the view of the customer. Firstly, I need to prepare a lot to be more professional and knowledgeable about the work. Then I will try my best to answer all the questions during the whole introduction work, give all the needs customer need, to be more specific, be more professional. Trying to be gentle and polite during the whole process in the introduction process. Overall I won't

How to do the poster for employability skills

For the employability skill poster: 1. login in the infographics canva, find the proper template. Source: https://www.canva.com/create/infographics/ 2. Search online the definitions of the eight employability skills and write them on the template website source: https://career-ready.blogs.latrobe.edu.au/2013/08/16/8-essential-employability-skills/ 3. Use the proper graphic for each skill: Website source: https://www.newcastle.edu.au/degrees/usp/bachelor-of-arts/develop-employability-skills/develop-employability-skills 4. Put the separate picture for each skills and finish the poster